Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Segments and a morning run in An Phu

After being sick for over a week and consequently doing almost no running it was great to be out again. At this point I would like to say this: getting up at 5am and going for a run has always, yes always, given me more energy than sleeping in till 6 and then just going to work.

I went to sleep past 11 yesterday and woke up at 5.10 (after snoozing once, hey we are all human) and Bam, energy galore after my quick 5K run. I'm more active at work, come up with better contributions and at the same time, also blogging again.

Segments on Garmin Connect and strava are fantastic, if you are like me, your typical morning route can become a little boring and mundane, especially when it is not necessarily the most picturesque route, I really need to start incorporating the river into my run a little more, especially the early runs when the sun is rising. Anyways, I digress, having Segments and rankings online really motivates me to push myself further in different parts of my run because "I can get a better ranking online" as stupid as that sounds when you say it out loud, it is also motivating!!

As you can see above my Garmin took a long time to warm up today, so the GPS is a little off, but luckily I know the distance of the route I run pretty well so I could do some quick edits. Another thing I love about running in An Phu is that you almost always run into familiar faces, meaning that while the route is always the same, you do see new faces on the loop who might give you a quick runners salute :)
Those are the Strava achievements that I broke on the run today, pretty happy with that, I can definitely see my improvement, which is very motivating to keep training.